Certifications & Qualifications

Talia Dawn
Galactic Ascent
Learn Theta Healing
Access higher levels of consciousness & healing

Theta Healing® is a powerful technique that combines science and spirituality to identify and instantly transform deeply held blocks, negative beliefs and trauma in the subconscious mind.
Activate and enhance your intuitive abilities​
Learn to give and receive a powerful healing​
Learn the intuitive body scan technique​
Introduction to manifesting​
Future readings​
Balancing hormones and brain chemicals​
Seven Planes of Existence​
Learn why we create things in our lives and what we learn from it​
Learn discernment when working with guides and guardian angels​
The power of connecting to the Creator of All That Is, Source, Universe
Become a Certified Theta Healing Practitioner
Basic DNA

“Wow, just did Basic Theta Healing with Talia. Was blown away with the course and learnt so much more than I expected. Talia is patient, thorough and full of wisdom. She easily guided us through the processes and helped us feel confident in our ability. I highly recommend working with Talia.“
Theta Healing Basic DNA Seminar - Cherie

This seminar is suitable for anyone who wants to enhance their spiritual journey or add a dynamic aspect to their spiritual business.
You will receive practical tools that really work and are easily applicable to your real life situations.
The concepts are simple yet extremely effective.
Theta Healing is a school of remembering here to remind you of your truth:
That you are deeply connected to All That Is
You are a divine being with a divine purpose
You have all that you need in this life to feel fulfilled and successful
You can change your life now
You are far more powerful than you give yourself credit for
You can access the higher realms and higher levels of awareness​
You are worthy and deserving of accessing and commanding the energy that moves through all things

All set up for success!
By attending the Basic DNA Theta Healing® Seminar, you gain access to the global Theta Healing community.
We are just shy of a million healers world wide with instant access to a myriad of resources and learning materials to further enhance your skills and abilities.
You are not alone on your journey. There are many online groups you can join to ask questions and share your experiences with.
With this course you will receive the Theta Healing book and workbook.
This is where your ThetaHealing journey begins. This is the first seminar to take to become a Certified Practitioner… This payment option is for the deposit only which will secure your spot at the seminar. The balance is due one week prior to the start date. Payment plans are available. Please enquire.
Recertification Total: $295 (If you have previously attended an Advanced DNA seminar with myself or another instructor. This option does not include course materials.)
Theta Healing® is a powerful technique that combines science and spirituality to identify and instantly transform deeply held blocks, negative beliefs and trauma in the subconscious mind.
What you’ll learn: Advanced DNA expands the information from Basic DNA to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence. Learn how to clear old resentments, vows, and commitments that hold you back, and discover how to heal with “Baby in the Womb” and “Heal the Broken Soul” exercises.
You will receive Feelings “Downloaded from the Instructor” that will bring profound healing and enlightenment. Experience new, positive feelings such as knowing how to appreciate The Now and what self-acceptance feels like from the Seventh Plane.
With the completion of Advanced DNA, you would have developed a strong foundation in the basics of ThetaHealing. This seminar can be taken IN-PERSON or ONLINE.
PREREQUISITES: Basic DNA Practitioners
The Next Steps In Your Theta Journey
There are four foundation courses that give you all the tools you need to be an effective healer; BASIC DNA, ADVANCED DNA, DIG DEEPER & YOU AND THE CREATOR. Talia also teaches an elective course called MANIFESTING & ABUNDANCE.

Meet your instructor - Talia
Hello beautiful souls! I am a multi-dimensional healer and teacher who has utilised the Theta Healing Technique since 2016.
I discovered the transformative and healing properties of theta after a two year stint of the dark night of the soul experience. Which lead me to move countries, change relationship status, close my businesses and become the fine specimen you see before you.
Jokes aside, I have learned many modalities in my lifetime and Theta is the one I use everyday simply because it works. It is gentle and swift and works in congruence with many cultural, religious and societal belief systems. Because it uses the frequency of love which is the highest truth beyond all of our human structures.
I certified as a Theta Instructor directly from the creator of Theta Healing, Vianna Stibal, while in Mexico in 2018. I never intended to teach, I just wanted to learn from Vianna. Yet here we are!
I have witnessed amazing and wondrous things in my life. I have seen people heal from abuse and trauma, witnessed instant healings from illness, seen relationships mend, seen the sparkle in someones eye when they have their 'aha' moments and seen people step boldly into their purpose after hiding in the shadows for a lifetime. (And don't get me started on the weird astral and inter-dimensional stuff I've seen - we'd be here for hours!)
I am driven by my curiosity of the human experience, exploring the dimensions and the expansion of consciousness for all.